The law and mobile phones
Since 1st December 2003 , it has been illegal to drive whilst holding a hand-held mobile phone and prosecution could land you with a minimum of a fixed penalty plus 3 point on your licence and a maximum fine of up to £2,500. Using a phone while driving can be distracting. Using a hands free kit could mean the difference between life and death.
The Department for Transport has issued a summary and useful advice and the full text of the new legislation is available here. More info…
Essentially the new law means that if you have to use a mobile phone whilst driving a vehicle then you must use some form of hands free device. Importantly, an offence is committed if the phone is “held at some point during the course of making or receiving a call or performing any other interactive communication function”.
The installation of a hand free unit could save you from an embarrassing prosecution and a hefty fine. Don’t forget to operate your phone you will need to have a cradle, a headset alone is not enough.
Visit the model specific page for details of all hands free solutions for your particular phone or our full range of bluetooth accessories.
To view the Department of Transport FAQ’s on mobile phones and driving, click here
To download a copy of the Think! leaflet on mobile phones and driving, ‘dying to take the call click here.
Dying to take the call? has been made available in Adobe Acrobat format for downloading.
The Adobe Acrobat Reader can be freely downloaded.